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Money Management -The Basics of Finance and wealth DEVELOPMENT
Financial Mindsets - The Hustler's Mindsets PIMPING your Mind for SUCCESS
Welcome why you need this!
Welcome to the first Step of your FINANCIAL LIFE (9:26)
The 5 Checking Account Blue Print Detailed (24:24)
Advance Checking Account Protocols
New Money Habits that will make your FINANCIAL INDEPENDENT
Financially Independent STAGE 1 (18:22)
Stage 1 - The Process (17:25)
Getting RICH ( if you make in a month what most make per year YOU ARE RICH STAGE 2 (22:56)
Wealthy your MONEY makes MONEY and you don't work YOU MANAGE STAGE 3 (23:23)
Recycling Money or using things for FREE
How to BUY STUFF ( why I am a NAME BRAND KID) (24:14)
What is MONEY?
Money ( What is Money?) (8:24)
Debt to Income the real reason you are BROKE and STRUGGLE (13:14)
Why you can't afford the car you are DRIVING even at $50K -$65K a year!!! (11:47)
Sweet 16 (10:04)
Why you need to start saving 50%-75% of your INCOME!!!! (14:52)
Short Term Money ( active or passive Income) (16:03)
Long Term Money ( stores of value ) not stock or crypto currency (9:35)
More Money - Why saving is not ENOUGH!!!
Replace SAVING MONEY with the real deal MANAGING MONEY (11:27)
Accelerated Income ( self employed /business owner) (18:35)
Debt to Income the real reason you are BROKE and STRUGGLE
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